Notes for Sunday 16 July
I am currently back in London where it is not only the day after tomorrow…
…it is nearly three weeks after tomorrow.
Notes for Sunday 16 July
I am currently back in London where it is not only the day after tomorrow…
…it is nearly three weeks after tomorrow.
A brief interlude before getting back to New York, by way of a walk around Clerkenwell.*
Diary: Saturday 15 July
It has been some time since I have been on a flight with so many constantly crying infants.
Everyone on board is thinking: is there anything else that will keep them quiet?
In celebration of American Independence Day, this is a feature in red, white and blue.
Recently I changed my WhatsApp profile picture from a cupcake to a lobster, which attracted many favourable comments from friends and family.
An evening which didn’t quite go as planned, but there is still cake to eat.
Diary: Monday 29 and Tuesday 30 May
It has been 33 years since I last visited Ipoh, and I don’t even have enough memories to go down memory lane.