Gochugaru Girl is saying goodbye to the old year with a spicy chicken dish.
2014 has been year of anniversaries, and here are a few of my favourites.
Gochugaru Girl is saying goodbye to the old year with a spicy chicken dish.
2014 has been year of anniversaries, and here are a few of my favourites.
Gochugaru Girl had a lovely Christmas Day with Mr Gochugaru and Juniors 1, 2 and 3.
Naturally, over the turkey lunch, there has to be at least one impromptu joke which makes everyone groan.
This is a follow-up to the recipe posted earlier on Oxtail Stew.
My fondness for coleslaw harks back to my schooldays in Kuala Lumpur.
Gochugaru Girl had a break from the kitchen over the weekend.
Fortunately, we did not go hungry.
Gochugaru Girl received a surprise parcel this morning.
What made it even more exciting was that it was from South Korea.
Gochugaru Girl found some candy canes reduced from £1.50 to 25p per stick.
Exercising caution, I only bought two: what are candy canes really useful for?
Gochugaru Girl has the perfect accompaniment to the foods of Christmas.
The problem is what to call it.
Gochugaru Girl had a long conversation with KL Sister this morning.
The subject was this: the perfect cake for the Christmas season.
Gochugaru Girl has had another long day of church meetings.
The week has not ended and there are more meetings tomorrow.
Gochugaru Girl loves sesame seeds.
In fact, crushing them by hand is a very therapeutic thing to do.