Gochugaru Girl has a cold.
This is quite unusual and I am not happy about it.
This is a continuation of an earlier post introducing the book of Job and a Korean Drama called It’s Okay, That’s Love (괜찮아, 사랑이야).
Both Job and Jae-yeol have some things to say about sleeping and suffering.
Gochugaru Girl has been watching a Korean Drama called It’s Okay, That’s Love (괜찮아, 사랑이야).
This happy, smiling picture belies the mental suffering that the main couple are going through.
Gochugaru Girl had coffee in Marylebone High Street with her friend Isabelle exactly a year ago.
Being the First of May, she gamely brought along un petit bouquet de muguet .
This is a continuation of the earlier post on bananas and speculoos.
Although an unlikely combination, it did produce a lovely cake.
Gochugaru Girl has a new tea to try this morning.
This makes for a very happy start to the day.
Gochugaru Girl and Mr Gochugaru are Guardians to Niece Number 1 and Niece Number 2.
We spend a lot of time on the airport run. However there are certain rewards…
Gochugaru Girl has created a dense bitter-sweet cake…
This is to reflect some stupidity on my part.
Gochugaru Girl would like to wish her friend Cheryl a very Happy Birthday.
The question is, of course, when exactly is Cheryl’s birthday?