Here are the recipes from yesterday’s lunch with friends.
There were seven of us and fortunately we were of the same mental age.
Here are the recipes from yesterday’s lunch with friends.
There were seven of us and fortunately we were of the same mental age.
Diary: Thursday 29 October
To sleep or not to sleep?
It is not often that I get the opportunity to watch so many movies in one go.
Diary: Tuesday 04 August
After a wonderful eight days in Seoul it is time to return to London.
Here is a review of the film Salut D’Amour which I watched on the flight back.
Diary: Wednesday 29 July
I so enjoyed watching the film Gangnam 1970 on the flight from London to Seoul…
…and Lee Min Ho in the lead role wasn’t the only reason for it.
This is a continuation of an earlier post introducing the book of Job and a Korean Drama called It’s Okay, That’s Love (괜찮아, 사랑이야).
Both Job and Jae-yeol have some things to say about sleeping and suffering.
Gochugaru Girl has been watching a Korean Drama called It’s Okay, That’s Love (괜찮아, 사랑이야).
This happy, smiling picture belies the mental suffering that the main couple are going through.
Gochugaru Girl watched another 3 Korean Films on a near-empty flight from KL to Dubai.
With no neighbours, this must count as one of my most enjoyable cinema experiences ever.
Gochugaru Girl watched 3 films on her flight to KL.
What has a Marxist revolutionary got to do with a tropical fruit?
This is the continuation of the article posted on Valentine’s Day.
What led to this post is this: a Chinese takeaway menu was dropped through the postbox and the restaurant has the same name as me.