Autumn in Seoul: Let’s Stay Awhile


SEOUL DIARY: Monday 11 November 2019


It is over a week since Mr Gochugaru and I returned from Seoul. We have not been affected by jetlag because the effect of returning from the Far East means we just wake up very early in the morning. Since we love our mornings, this is not a problem.

The problem is that London is not just as sparkly as Seoul, never mind the Christmas lights and Christmas trees decorating every corner. The problem is that leaves are not swept off the pavements, people run past you up and down the subway escalators, fellow passengers shove their bulging rucksacks into you in the carriages and everywhere, people are simply clueless as how to behave in a civic manner in the streets and off the streets.

I can complain about the deterioration in civic standards as I have lived in London for 35 years. There are days when Mr Gochugaru and I even discuss leaving the country. I would not leave London for the countryside, that would be a suicide of sorts. I would just move cities.

Until that day comes, we have the happy memory of lunch at STAY, the restaurant on the 81st floor of Signiel Hotel. We had our first lunch there in winter last year and I have often thought back to that day.




Some treats from the previous day’s foray to the bakeries in Seoungsu-dong




The thing about lunch at STAY is that the portions are not so large that you have to skip dinner


Before dessert is served you are invited to visit the Dessert Library where you can choose a selection of bonbons




The view looking out…


…and the view looking in


Afterwards we descend to Level 1 before heading out…


…for a walk to look back at Lotte World Tower through the Autumn leaves




November 11 is Pepero Day in South Korea. Pepero are snacks which are long biscuit sticks dipped into different flavoured chocolate. As these snacks resemble the number 1, and November 11 is 1111, they are given to friends and family you want to say I Love You to.  Do not snigger…Pepero are cheaper than diamonds.


The sign says You are my Number One




Later, after more walking, we had a modest dinner of grilled pork ribs in a local barbecue shop. To finish, we returned to Ikseon-dong and shared a souffle pancake and chamomile tea. Good news: it is delicious and light. Bad news: we found another two souffle pancake shops in the same area. This is the reason we need to stay much, much longer in Seoul.


Autumnal Chestnut Souffle Pancake at Flippers