Chocolate Ice Cream Number 2



This recipe is adapted slightly from David Lebovitz’s ice cream book which I spotted in New York last July. The joy of bricks and mortar bookstores is that you can hold and read through parts of a book before you decide whether to buy it or not. Lines like the following draw you in: My search for the ultimate chocolate ice cream ended the day I dipped a spoon into my ice cream maker and took a taste of this one.

I had to buy the book and try making the ice cream at home after reading that. It has taken a while but I have now made it. Compared to Chocolate Ice Cream Number 1 it is tastes richer and is therefore so much more satisfying. Unlike Mr Lebovitz I did not dip a spoon in the ice cream maker but simply scraped out a healthy portion on a spatula and proceeded to eat it immediately. Between this and the previous chocolate ice cream, I would make this one in future.



For the Ice Cream:

140 g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa

3 tablespoons cocoa powder

250 g full-fat milk

500 g whipping cream
250 g single cream plus 250 g double cream

120 g sugar

5 egg yolks

1 teaspoon chocolate extract (or vanilla extract)

Pinch of sea salt


I substituted chocolate extract for the vanilla extract of the original recipe


I need to explain that the reason I bought a Thermomix is that I really love ice cream and it was the thought of never having to worry about the right temperature of custard that persuaded me to add another kitchen appliance to my workspace. This is one of the best culinary decisions I have ever made. If you do not have a Thermomix then any of the books I have recommended will have precise instructions.


How to Make:

Place the dark chocolate into the TM bowl and chop 5 seconds/ speed 8.

Scrape down the sides of the bowl with a silicon spatula.

Add the cocoa powder, milk, cream, sugar, egg yolks, chocolate extract and salt.

Cook for 10 minutes/ 90C/ speed 2.

Pour the ice cream mixture into a suitable container and allow it to cool, then cover and chill for a few hours or overnight in the fridge.

When ready, either still-freeze (see below) or start the ice-cream machine, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Leave to churn until the ice cream has the consistency of softly whipped cream.

Quickly scrape into a plastic freezer box and cover with waxed or greaseproof paper and a lid.

Finally label, then freeze. Freeze for 1 hour or until just firm enough to serve. If stored longer and frozen solid, allow about 20 minutes at room temperature to soften sufficiently before serving.


The ice cream mixture is so delicious you can even use it as a chocolate custard


If you do not have an ice cream maker, the here is how to still-freeze the ice cream.

Pour the chilled mixture into a strong plastic container to a depth of 4 cm. Cover with a lid and put in the coldest part of the freezer.

Check after 1-1 ½ hours; the mixture should have frozen to a firm ring of ice around the sides and base of the box, with a soft slush in the centre.

Beat the mixture for few seconds until it forms a uniform slush. Return to the freezer.

Repeat the beating at least twice at intervals of 1-1 ½ hours.

After the third beating freeze for a further 30-60 minutes before serving.

If stored longer and frozen solid, allow about 20 minutes at room temperature to soften sufficiently before serving.




The Perfect Scoop by David Lebovitz, ISBN 978-0399580314 (hardcover) and 978-1911127468 (paperback).