Silver Service

A final post from Kuala Lumpur before I board my flight.


Admittedly, I am not a frequent flyer despite having made 13 long haul flights in the last nine months. It would be 14 by the time I arrive in Heathrow on Thursday morning.

Recently British Airways wrote to say that I had enough points, or whatever the technical term is, to join their Silver Tier. I was delighted, as this now allows me to reserve my seat without charge when I book my ticket. It allows me into one of their airport lounges where I am sure they will be nice to me and maybe even offer me some champagne (as I was reliably informed by someone who travels Business). I even get to carry 2 bags of 32 kilos each.

The irony is that I don’t want to carry 64 kilos of stuff. KL Sister said the same thing: when we had only a 20 kg allowance, we begged for more. Now we are allowed 64 kg we say, no no no, I don’t want to be loaded down.

I now board the plane with a small short handled bag and an equally small rucksack. This allows me to run to the immigration counter at Heathrow for a quick exit. This is the only time I care to run, because I am tired. The flight time from KL to London is 13 hours and 45 minutes long.

In order to sleep lots I pack my ear plugs and eye shades. The aim is to sleep as soon as I am able to. Working backwards, this means eating a sensible dinner and supper before boarding as I will skip the on-board dinner at 2am or so.

To that end, I have some noodles before leaving the KL house.




Then I have some rice in the airport lounge, and some watermelon. Better be safe than sorry…or hungry.





The past 10 days have been so busy, physically and mentally, that I am looking forward to doing some mindless tasks, like cleaning the bookshelf, when I return to London. Then I am going to make some things to store in jars for Christmas, like chutney to eat with cheese.

This morning whilst on an errand with KL Sister I dropped by Starbucks to pick up a Green Tea Latte, and they were playing ‘Let It Snow’ in the middle of 32 degrees C. That’s terrible. But I know that it really is cold in London because Niece Number 2 wrote to say so. I guess I should enjoy the ambient temperature in-flight for the next 14 hours without complaining.

Goodnight everybody, Gochugaru Girl has left the airport lounge.