Berlin Trip: 23 – 27 May 2024
See also the posts on Berlin June 2023 for more food and travel and recommendations.
At our family lunch over the weekend the subject of curry wurst came up. We have all been to Berlin, albeit separately, and wanted to know who had eaten it during their travels. Everyone had, but it seems only Mr Gochugaru and I had a good experience. This was at KaDeWe, Berlin’s equivalent of London’s Harrods. The cost was 14.50€, plus service charge. Money cannot buy you happiness, but it can elevate your dining experience somewhat.
Our version of the curry wurst was very good indeed, with crispy fries (photo above) and the ketchup tasting like Heinz’s but with curry powder added. Mr Gochugaru joked that maybe in Germany they have 58 and not 57 varieties of Heinz. The online supermarket Ocado actually have a Heinz Curry Tomato Ketchup, though I am not sure if this is a regular line. Junior 2 sent a message to say that you can get the curry ketchup in the German supermarket Aldi.